The holidays are a time of happiness and celebration. Our traditions are intended to add to the excitement of the season. Unfortunately, the National Fire Protection Agency estimates that U.S. fire departments are called to respond to over 200 fires started by Christmas trees each year. On average between 2007 and 2011, 6 deaths, over 20 injuries and over $18 million in property damage were the results of these Christmas tree fires. Following the simple tips listed below can help reduce the chance of a fire in your home this holiday season.
- If you choose an artificial tree, make sure it is certified as fire retardant.

- For a real tree, select one with fresh, green needles. Ensure that they do not fall off if the tree is simply touched.
- Make a fresh cut in the base of a real tree prior to placing it in the stand to ensure the tree will drink water.
- Before bringing the real tree into your home, shake it vigorously to remove any dead needles.
- Add water to a real tree every day to prevent it from drying out.
- Never place a tree within three feet of a fireplace, radiator, heat vent or candle.
- Only use lights that have been labeled by an independent testing laboratory for indoor use.
- If using lights from a previous year inspect them to make sure the cords aren't worn or broken.
- Follow manufacturer recommendations for how many lights can be strung together in a series.
- Make sure you turn off lights at night and if you will not be home.
- At the end of the season, recycle your real Christmas tree or properly store your artificial tree.
No one wants a fire in their home at any time of year, but it is especially devastating during the holiday season. The tips provided are simple to follow and will reduce the likelihood of a fire occurring in your home this year.
Enjoy the holiday season with peace of mind. Call Morehead Agency LLC at 816-503-6222 for more information on Rolling Meadows home insurance.
Posted Monday, September 02 2024 8:00 AM
Tags : home insurance
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